PHP运行出现Notice : Use of undefined constant 的完美解决方案分享
Notice: Use of undefined constant ALL_PS - assumed 'ALL_PS' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 50 Notice: Undefined index: EaseTemplateVer in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netlibs emplate.core.php on line 51 Notice: Use of undefined
Notice: Use of undefined constant ALL_PS - assumed 'ALL_PS' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 50
Notice: Undefined index: EaseTemplateVer in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netlibs emplate.core.php on line 51
Notice: Use of undefined constant uid - assumed 'uid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 54
Notice: Undefined index: uid in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 54
Notice: Use of undefined constant cuid - assumed 'cuid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 55
Notice: Undefined index: cuid in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 55
Notice: Use of undefined constant shell - assumed 'shell' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 56
Notice: Undefined index: shell in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 56
Notice: Use of undefined constant cshell - assumed 'cshell' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined index: cshell in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 57
Notice: Use of undefined constant username - assumed 'username' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 58
Notice: Undefined index: username in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 58
Notice: Use of undefined constant cusername - assumed 'cusername' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 59
Notice: Undefined index: cusername in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 59
Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 10
Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 14
Notice: Use of undefined constant content - assumed 'content' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant content - assumed 'content' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant description - assumed 'description' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant description - assumed 'description' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant provinceid - assumed 'provinceid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 18
Notice: Use of undefined constant cityid - assumed 'cityid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 19
Notice: Use of undefined constant hy - assumed 'hy' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 20
Notice: Undefined variable: content in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netlibs emplate.core.php on line 557
Notice: Use of undefined constant ctbTitle - assumed 'ctbTitle' in d:ctb1.5ctbincludeconfig.php on line 23...
b答案:这些是 PHP 的提示而非报错,PHP 本身不需要事先声明变量即可直接使用,但是对未声明变量会有提示。一般作为正式的网站会把提示关掉的,甚至连错误信息也被关掉
关闭 PHP 提示的方法
error_reporting = E_ALL
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
error_reporting(0); 虽然不好弄但是可以解决问题!!!!!!这个比较好用
有用 | 无用
Notice: Undefined index: EaseTemplateVer in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netlibs emplate.core.php on line 51
Notice: Use of undefined constant uid - assumed 'uid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 54
Notice: Undefined index: uid in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 54
Notice: Use of undefined constant cuid - assumed 'cuid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 55
Notice: Undefined index: cuid in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 55
Notice: Use of undefined constant shell - assumed 'shell' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 56
Notice: Undefined index: shell in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 56
Notice: Use of undefined constant cshell - assumed 'cshell' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 57
Notice: Undefined index: cshell in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 57
Notice: Use of undefined constant username - assumed 'username' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 58
Notice: Undefined index: username in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 58
Notice: Use of undefined constant cusername - assumed 'cusername' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 59
Notice: Undefined index: cusername in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netglobal.php on line 59
Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 10
Notice: Use of undefined constant id - assumed 'id' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 14
Notice: Use of undefined constant content - assumed 'content' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant content - assumed 'content' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 16
Notice: Use of undefined constant description - assumed 'description' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant description - assumed 'description' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 17
Notice: Use of undefined constant provinceid - assumed 'provinceid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 18
Notice: Use of undefined constant cityid - assumed 'cityid' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 19
Notice: Use of undefined constant hy - assumed 'hy' in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netcompanyjob.php on line 20
Notice: Undefined variable: content in E:Servervhostswww.lvtao.netlibs emplate.core.php on line 557
Notice: Use of undefined constant ctbTitle - assumed 'ctbTitle' in d:ctb1.5ctbincludeconfig.php on line 23...
b答案:这些是 PHP 的提示而非报错,PHP 本身不需要事先声明变量即可直接使用,但是对未声明变量会有提示。一般作为正式的网站会把提示关掉的,甚至连错误信息也被关掉
关闭 PHP 提示的方法
error_reporting = E_ALL
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
error_reporting(0); 虽然不好弄但是可以解决问题!!!!!!这个比较好用
有用 | 无用
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