javascript调用window.open打开网站的时候,IE浏览器下报错:已经计划系统关机,提示如图: 百度找了下都是莫名其妙的自动好了,可以查看这个帖子:诡异的JS,已经计划系统关机错误。 于是改用谷歌搜索相关英文内容,serverfault.com上也有人碰到过这个问题,满意答案还比较靠谱:IE8 script error 800704a6? 代码如下: The only information I've been able to find on this
于是改用谷歌搜索相关英文内容,serverfault.com上也有人碰到过这个问题,满意答案还比较靠谱:IE8 script error 800704a6?
The only information I've been able to find on this error is from
Josh Poley's MSDN blog.(这篇msdn上的文章已经不存在)
1190 0x800704A6 A system shutdown has already been scheduled. ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IS_SCHEDULED
However, the message implies that you get this when trying to schedule a shutdown. The only thing I can think of is that an installation/Windows update is waiting for a reboot.
You say that you can't see updates in Add/Remove programs - have you checked the "Show updates" option is checked?
Other posts that mention this error are similar in nature to yours.
有用 | 无用
于是改用谷歌搜索相关英文内容,serverfault.com上也有人碰到过这个问题,满意答案还比较靠谱:IE8 script error 800704a6?
The only information I've been able to find on this error is from
Josh Poley's MSDN blog.(这篇msdn上的文章已经不存在)
1190 0x800704A6 A system shutdown has already been scheduled. ERROR_SHUTDOWN_IS_SCHEDULED
However, the message implies that you get this when trying to schedule a shutdown. The only thing I can think of is that an installation/Windows update is waiting for a reboot.
You say that you can't see updates in Add/Remove programs - have you checked the "Show updates" option is checked?
Other posts that mention this error are similar in nature to yours.
有用 | 无用
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