原理很简单,整个程序中表现了这个思想的函数是void Solve()
const int N=8; // Of course we are able to solve the "N queens problem".
using namespace std;
class QueenChess
QueenChess(); // To initialize the chessboard
void Solve(); // To solve the problem and calculate the number of solutions
string chessBlank; // A row of blank chessboard. We use this to 'delete' the row we don't need. (in fact, we substitute the black row for the row we want to delete)
string chessState[N]; // The whole chessboard, which has N rows and N columns
int solves; // The number of solutions
bool SafeJudge(int row, int col) const; // To judge whether we can put our queen in a paiticular position (row, col)
void PlaceQueen(int row); // Put our queen in a safe place in a particular row
void DrawChess() const; // Draw the whole chessboard when we got a solution
for (int i=0;i
chessBlank+="-"; // So, our original row is just like "--------"
for (int i=0; i
chessState[i]=chessBlank; // Then, it becomes N rows
void QueenChess::Solve()
PlaceQueen(0); // Start placing queens at the first row
void QueenChess::PlaceQueen(int row)
for (int col=0;col
if (SafeJudge(row,col)==true) // If we find one
chessState[row][col]='Q'; // We change the '-' by 'Q'
if (row
PlaceQueen(row+1); // If we found a safe place in this row, we do the same in the next row
else // We place N queens in the chessboard successfully
solves++; // solves++
DrawChess(); // Everytime we got a solution, we output it
chessState[row]=chessBlank; // Backtracking method. If we failed the find a safe place in the nth row, we just clear this row and go back to the previous row. Then we will find a new safe place with a bigger No. of column. If we can't find such a place, just go back to a previous previous row.
bool QueenChess::SafeJudge(int row,int col) const
int rowChecker, colChecker; // Two variables for checking
for (rowChecker=0; rowChecker
string rowState=chessState[rowChecker]; // check the invaild region made by the queen of the rowCheckerth row
colChecker=rowState.find('Q'); // Use 'find' to get the number of column of the queen
if (row==rowChecker or col==colChecker or (rowChecker-colChecker)==(row-col) or (rowChecker+colChecker)==(row+col)) // Check whether the place is safe
for (drow=0;drow
int main()
QueenChess chess;
return 0;
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