1、根据User-Agent判断 // Js获取User-Agent window.navigator.userAgent if(window.navigator.userAgent.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == "micromessenger") // Php获取User-Agent echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Micro
// Js获取User-Agent
if(window.navigator.userAgent.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == "micromessenger")
// Php获取User-Agent
// 微信内部打开获取到的User-Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.0.2; zh-cn; MI 2S Build/LRX22G) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko)Version/4.0 MQQBrowser/5.4 TBS/025488 Mobile Safari/533.1 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN
// 你网页正常的url是
// 使用微信打开会在url后面添加几个参数
! function(a, b) {
"function" == typeof define && (define.amd || define.cmd) ? define(function() {
return b(a)
}) : b(a, !0)
}(this, function(a, b) {
function c(b, c, d) {
a.WeixinJSBridge ? WeixinJSBridge.invoke(b, e(c), function(a) {
g(b, a, d)
}) : j(b, d)
function d(b, c, d) {
a.WeixinJSBridge ? WeixinJSBridge.on(b, function(a) {
d && d.trigger && d.trigger(a), g(b, a, c)
}) : d ? j(b, d) : j(b, c)
function e(a) {
return a = a || {}, a.appId = E.appId, a.verifyAppId = E.appId, a.verifySignType = "sha1", a.verifyTimestamp = E.timestamp + "", a.verifyNonceStr = E.nonceStr, a.verifySignature = E.signature, a
function f(a) {
return {
timeStamp: a.timestamp + "",
nonceStr: a.nonceStr,
"package": a.package,
paySign: a.paySign,
signType: a.signType || "SHA1"
function g(a, b, c) {
var d, e, f;
switch (delete b.err_code, delete b.err_desc, delete b.err_detail, d = b.errMsg, d || (d = b.err_msg, delete b.err_msg, d = h(a, d), b.errMsg = d), c = c || {}, c._complete && (c._complete(b), delete c._complete), d = b.errMsg || "", E.debug && !c.isInnerInvoke && alert(JSON.stringify(b)), e = d.indexOf(":"), f = d.substring(e + 1)) {
case "ok":
c.success && c.success(b);
case "cancel":
c.cancel && c.cancel(b);
c.fail && c.fail(b)
c.complete && c.complete(b)
function h(a, b) {
var e, f, c = a,
d = p[c];
return d && (c = d), e = "ok", b && (f = b.indexOf(":"), e = b.substring(f + 1), "confirm" == e && (e = "ok"), "failed" == e && (e = "fail"), -1 != e.indexOf("failed_") && (e = e.substring(7)), -1 != e.indexOf("fail_") && (e = e.substring(5)), e = e.replace(/_/g, " "), e = e.toLowerCase(), ("access denied" == e || "no permission to execute" == e) && (e = "permission denied"), "config" == c && "function not exist" == e && (e = "ok"), "" == e && (e = "fail")), b = c + ":" + e
function i(a) {
var b, c, d, e;
if (a) {
for (b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; ++b) d = a[b], e = o[d], e && (a[b] = e);
return a
function j(a, b) {
if (!(!E.debug || b && b.isInnerInvoke)) {
var c = p[a];
c && (a = c), b && b._complete && delete b._complete, console.log('"' + a + '",', b || "")
function k() {
0 != D.preVerifyState && (u || v || E.debug || "6.0.2" > z || D.systemType < 0 || A || (A = !0, D.appId = E.appId, D.initTime = C.initEndTime - C.initStartTime, D.preVerifyTime = C.preVerifyEndTime - C.preVerifyStartTime, H.getNetworkType({
isInnerInvoke: !0,
success: function(a) {
var b, c;
D.networkType = a.networkType, b = "http://open.weixin.qq.com/sdk/report?v=" + D.version + "&o=" + D.preVerifyState + "&s=" + D.systemType + "&c=" + D.clientVersion + "&a=" + D.appId + "&n=" + D.networkType + "&i=" + D.initTime + "&p=" + D.preVerifyTime + "&u=" + D.url, c = new Image, c.src = b
function l() {
return (new Date).getTime()
function m(b) {
w && (a.WeixinJSBridge ? b() : q.addEventListener && q.addEventListener("WeixinJSBridgeReady", b, !1))
function n() {
H.invoke || (H.invoke = function(b, c, d) {
a.WeixinJSBridge && WeixinJSBridge.invoke(b, e(c), d)
}, H.on = function(b, c) {
a.WeixinJSBridge && WeixinJSBridge.on(b, c)
var o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;
if (!a.jWeixin) return o = {
config: "preVerifyJSAPI",
onMenuShareTimeline: "menu:share:timeline",
onMenuShareAppMessage: "menu:share:appmessage",
onMenuShareQQ: "menu:share:qq",
onMenuShareWeibo: "menu:share:weiboApp",
onMenuShareQZone: "menu:share:QZone",
previewImage: "imagePreview",
getLocation: "geoLocation",
openProductSpecificView: "openProductViewWithPid",
addCard: "batchAddCard",
openCard: "batchViewCard",
chooseWXPay: "getBrandWCPayRequest"
}, p = function() {
var b, a = {};
for (b in o) a[o[b]] = b;
return a
}(), q = a.document, r = q.title, s = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), t = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(), u = !(!t.match("mac") && !t.match("win")), v = -1 != s.indexOf("wxdebugger"), w = -1 != s.indexOf("micromessenger"), x = -1 != s.indexOf("android"), y = -1 != s.indexOf("iphone") || -1 != s.indexOf("ipad"), z = function() {
var a = s.match(/micromessenger/(d+.d+.d+)/) || s.match(/micromessenger/(d+.d+)/);
return a ? a[1] : ""
}(), A = !1, B = !1, C = {
initStartTime: l(),
initEndTime: 0,
preVerifyStartTime: 0,
preVerifyEndTime: 0
}, D = {
version: 1,
appId: "",
initTime: 0,
preVerifyTime: 0,
networkType: "",
preVerifyState: 1,
systemType: y ? 1 : x ? 2 : -1,
clientVersion: z,
url: encodeURIComponent(location.href)
}, E = {}, F = {
_completes: []
}, G = {
state: 0,
data: {}
}, m(function() {
C.initEndTime = l()
}), H = {
config: function(a) {
E = a, j("config", a);
var b = E.check === !1 ? !1 : !0;
m(function() {
var a, d, e;
if (b) c(o.config, {
verifyJsApiList: i(E.jsApiList)
}, function() {
F._complete = function(a) {
C.preVerifyEndTime = l(), G.state = 1, G.data = a
}, F.success = function() {
D.preVerifyState = 0
}, F.fail = function(a) {
F._fail ? F._fail(a) : G.state = -1
var a = F._completes;
return a.push(function() {
}), F.complete = function() {
for (var c = 0, d = a.length; d > c; ++c) a[c]();
F._completes = []
}, F
}()), C.preVerifyStartTime = l();
else {
for (G.state = 1, a = F._completes, d = 0, e = a.length; e > d; ++d) a[d]();
F._completes = []
}), E.beta && n()
ready: function(a) {
0 != G.state ? a() : (F._completes.push(a), !w && E.debug && a())
error: function(a) {
"6.0.2" > z || B || (B = !0, -1 == G.state ? a(G.data) : F._fail = a)
checkJsApi: function(a) {
var b = function(a) {
var c, d, b = a.checkResult;
for (c in b) d = p[c], d && (b[d] = b[c], delete b[c]);
return a
c("checkJsApi", {
jsApiList: i(a.jsApiList)
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
if (x) {
var c = a.checkResult;
c && (a.checkResult = JSON.parse(c))
a = b(a)
}, a
onMenuShareTimeline: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareTimeline, {
complete: function() {
c("shareTimeline", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.title || r,
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href,
type: a.type || "link",
data_url: a.dataUrl || ""
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareAppMessage: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareAppMessage, {
complete: function() {
c("sendAppMessage", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
link: a.link || location.href,
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
type: a.type || "link",
data_url: a.dataUrl || ""
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareQQ: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareQQ, {
complete: function() {
c("shareQQ", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareWeibo: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareWeibo, {
complete: function() {
c("shareWeiboApp", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareQZone: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareQZone, {
complete: function() {
c("shareQZone", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href
}, a)
}, a)
startRecord: function(a) {
c("startRecord", {}, a)
stopRecord: function(a) {
c("stopRecord", {}, a)
onVoiceRecordEnd: function(a) {
d("onVoiceRecordEnd", a)
playVoice: function(a) {
c("playVoice", {
localId: a.localId
}, a)
pauseVoice: function(a) {
c("pauseVoice", {
localId: a.localId
}, a)
stopVoice: function(a) {
c("stopVoice", {
localId: a.localId
}, a)
onVoicePlayEnd: function(a) {
d("onVoicePlayEnd", a)
uploadVoice: function(a) {
c("uploadVoice", {
localId: a.localId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
downloadVoice: function(a) {
c("downloadVoice", {
serverId: a.serverId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
translateVoice: function(a) {
c("translateVoice", {
localId: a.localId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
chooseImage: function(a) {
c("chooseImage", {
scene: "1|2",
count: a.count || 9,
sizeType: a.sizeType || ["original", "compressed"],
sourceType: a.sourceType || ["album", "camera"]
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
if (x) {
var b = a.localIds;
b && (a.localIds = JSON.parse(b))
}, a
previewImage: function(a) {
c(o.previewImage, {
current: a.current,
urls: a.urls
}, a)
uploadImage: function(a) {
c("uploadImage", {
localId: a.localId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
downloadImage: function(a) {
c("downloadImage", {
serverId: a.serverId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
getNetworkType: function(a) {
var b = function(a) {
var c, d, e, b = a.errMsg;
if (a.errMsg = "getNetworkType:ok", c = a.subtype, delete a.subtype, c) a.networkType = c;
else switch (d = b.indexOf(":"), e = b.substring(d + 1)) {
case "wifi":
case "edge":
case "wwan":
a.networkType = e;
a.errMsg = "getNetworkType:fail"
return a
c("getNetworkType", {}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
a = b(a)
}, a
openLocation: function(a) {
c("openLocation", {
latitude: a.latitude,
longitude: a.longitude,
name: a.name || "",
address: a.address || "",
scale: a.scale || 28,
infoUrl: a.infoUrl || ""
}, a)
getLocation: function(a) {
a = a || {}, c(o.getLocation, {
type: a.type || "wgs84"
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
delete a.type
}, a
hideOptionMenu: function(a) {
c("hideOptionMenu", {}, a)
showOptionMenu: function(a) {
c("showOptionMenu", {}, a)
closeWindow: function(a) {
a = a || {}, c("closeWindow", {}, a)
hideMenuItems: function(a) {
c("hideMenuItems", {
menuList: a.menuList
}, a)
showMenuItems: function(a) {
c("showMenuItems", {
menuList: a.menuList
}, a)
hideAllNonBaseMenuItem: function(a) {
c("hideAllNonBaseMenuItem", {}, a)
showAllNonBaseMenuItem: function(a) {
c("showAllNonBaseMenuItem", {}, a)
scanQRCode: function(a) {
a = a || {}, c("scanQRCode", {
needResult: a.needResult || 0,
scanType: a.scanType || ["qrCode", "barCode"]
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
var b, c;
y && (b = a.resultStr, b && (c = JSON.parse(b), a.resultStr = c && c.scan_code && c.scan_code.scan_result))
}, a
openProductSpecificView: function(a) {
c(o.openProductSpecificView, {
pid: a.productId,
view_type: a.viewType || 0,
ext_info: a.extInfo
}, a)
addCard: function(a) {
var e, f, g, h, b = a.cardList,
d = [];
for (e = 0, f = b.length; f > e; ++e) g = b[e], h = {
card_id: g.cardId,
card_ext: g.cardExt
}, d.push(h);
c(o.addCard, {
card_list: d
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
var c, d, e, b = a.card_list;
if (b) {
for (b = JSON.parse(b), c = 0, d = b.length; d > c; ++c) e = b[c], e.cardId = e.card_id, e.cardExt = e.card_ext, e.isSuccess = e.is_succ ? !0 : !1, delete e.card_id, delete e.card_ext, delete e.is_succ;
a.cardList = b, delete a.card_list
}, a
chooseCard: function(a) {
c("chooseCard", {
app_id: E.appId,
location_id: a.shopId || "",
sign_type: a.signType || "SHA1",
card_id: a.cardId || "",
card_type: a.cardType || "",
card_sign: a.cardSign,
time_stamp: a.timestamp + "",
nonce_str: a.nonceStr
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
a.cardList = a.choose_card_info, delete a.choose_card_info
}, a
openCard: function(a) {
var e, f, g, h, b = a.cardList,
d = [];
for (e = 0, f = b.length; f > e; ++e) g = b[e], h = {
card_id: g.cardId,
code: g.code
}, d.push(h);
c(o.openCard, {
card_list: d
}, a)
chooseWXPay: function(a) {
c(o.chooseWXPay, f(a), a)
}, b && (a.wx = a.jWeixin = H), H
有用 | 无用
// Js获取User-Agent
if(window.navigator.userAgent.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == "micromessenger")
// Php获取User-Agent
// 微信内部打开获取到的User-Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 5.0.2; zh-cn; MI 2S Build/LRX22G) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko)Version/4.0 MQQBrowser/5.4 TBS/025488 Mobile Safari/533.1 MicroMessenger/ NetType/WIFI Language/zh_CN
// 你网页正常的url是
// 使用微信打开会在url后面添加几个参数
! function(a, b) {
"function" == typeof define && (define.amd || define.cmd) ? define(function() {
return b(a)
}) : b(a, !0)
}(this, function(a, b) {
function c(b, c, d) {
a.WeixinJSBridge ? WeixinJSBridge.invoke(b, e(c), function(a) {
g(b, a, d)
}) : j(b, d)
function d(b, c, d) {
a.WeixinJSBridge ? WeixinJSBridge.on(b, function(a) {
d && d.trigger && d.trigger(a), g(b, a, c)
}) : d ? j(b, d) : j(b, c)
function e(a) {
return a = a || {}, a.appId = E.appId, a.verifyAppId = E.appId, a.verifySignType = "sha1", a.verifyTimestamp = E.timestamp + "", a.verifyNonceStr = E.nonceStr, a.verifySignature = E.signature, a
function f(a) {
return {
timeStamp: a.timestamp + "",
nonceStr: a.nonceStr,
"package": a.package,
paySign: a.paySign,
signType: a.signType || "SHA1"
function g(a, b, c) {
var d, e, f;
switch (delete b.err_code, delete b.err_desc, delete b.err_detail, d = b.errMsg, d || (d = b.err_msg, delete b.err_msg, d = h(a, d), b.errMsg = d), c = c || {}, c._complete && (c._complete(b), delete c._complete), d = b.errMsg || "", E.debug && !c.isInnerInvoke && alert(JSON.stringify(b)), e = d.indexOf(":"), f = d.substring(e + 1)) {
case "ok":
c.success && c.success(b);
case "cancel":
c.cancel && c.cancel(b);
c.fail && c.fail(b)
c.complete && c.complete(b)
function h(a, b) {
var e, f, c = a,
d = p[c];
return d && (c = d), e = "ok", b && (f = b.indexOf(":"), e = b.substring(f + 1), "confirm" == e && (e = "ok"), "failed" == e && (e = "fail"), -1 != e.indexOf("failed_") && (e = e.substring(7)), -1 != e.indexOf("fail_") && (e = e.substring(5)), e = e.replace(/_/g, " "), e = e.toLowerCase(), ("access denied" == e || "no permission to execute" == e) && (e = "permission denied"), "config" == c && "function not exist" == e && (e = "ok"), "" == e && (e = "fail")), b = c + ":" + e
function i(a) {
var b, c, d, e;
if (a) {
for (b = 0, c = a.length; c > b; ++b) d = a[b], e = o[d], e && (a[b] = e);
return a
function j(a, b) {
if (!(!E.debug || b && b.isInnerInvoke)) {
var c = p[a];
c && (a = c), b && b._complete && delete b._complete, console.log('"' + a + '",', b || "")
function k() {
0 != D.preVerifyState && (u || v || E.debug || "6.0.2" > z || D.systemType < 0 || A || (A = !0, D.appId = E.appId, D.initTime = C.initEndTime - C.initStartTime, D.preVerifyTime = C.preVerifyEndTime - C.preVerifyStartTime, H.getNetworkType({
isInnerInvoke: !0,
success: function(a) {
var b, c;
D.networkType = a.networkType, b = "http://open.weixin.qq.com/sdk/report?v=" + D.version + "&o=" + D.preVerifyState + "&s=" + D.systemType + "&c=" + D.clientVersion + "&a=" + D.appId + "&n=" + D.networkType + "&i=" + D.initTime + "&p=" + D.preVerifyTime + "&u=" + D.url, c = new Image, c.src = b
function l() {
return (new Date).getTime()
function m(b) {
w && (a.WeixinJSBridge ? b() : q.addEventListener && q.addEventListener("WeixinJSBridgeReady", b, !1))
function n() {
H.invoke || (H.invoke = function(b, c, d) {
a.WeixinJSBridge && WeixinJSBridge.invoke(b, e(c), d)
}, H.on = function(b, c) {
a.WeixinJSBridge && WeixinJSBridge.on(b, c)
var o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;
if (!a.jWeixin) return o = {
config: "preVerifyJSAPI",
onMenuShareTimeline: "menu:share:timeline",
onMenuShareAppMessage: "menu:share:appmessage",
onMenuShareQQ: "menu:share:qq",
onMenuShareWeibo: "menu:share:weiboApp",
onMenuShareQZone: "menu:share:QZone",
previewImage: "imagePreview",
getLocation: "geoLocation",
openProductSpecificView: "openProductViewWithPid",
addCard: "batchAddCard",
openCard: "batchViewCard",
chooseWXPay: "getBrandWCPayRequest"
}, p = function() {
var b, a = {};
for (b in o) a[o[b]] = b;
return a
}(), q = a.document, r = q.title, s = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), t = navigator.platform.toLowerCase(), u = !(!t.match("mac") && !t.match("win")), v = -1 != s.indexOf("wxdebugger"), w = -1 != s.indexOf("micromessenger"), x = -1 != s.indexOf("android"), y = -1 != s.indexOf("iphone") || -1 != s.indexOf("ipad"), z = function() {
var a = s.match(/micromessenger/(d+.d+.d+)/) || s.match(/micromessenger/(d+.d+)/);
return a ? a[1] : ""
}(), A = !1, B = !1, C = {
initStartTime: l(),
initEndTime: 0,
preVerifyStartTime: 0,
preVerifyEndTime: 0
}, D = {
version: 1,
appId: "",
initTime: 0,
preVerifyTime: 0,
networkType: "",
preVerifyState: 1,
systemType: y ? 1 : x ? 2 : -1,
clientVersion: z,
url: encodeURIComponent(location.href)
}, E = {}, F = {
_completes: []
}, G = {
state: 0,
data: {}
}, m(function() {
C.initEndTime = l()
}), H = {
config: function(a) {
E = a, j("config", a);
var b = E.check === !1 ? !1 : !0;
m(function() {
var a, d, e;
if (b) c(o.config, {
verifyJsApiList: i(E.jsApiList)
}, function() {
F._complete = function(a) {
C.preVerifyEndTime = l(), G.state = 1, G.data = a
}, F.success = function() {
D.preVerifyState = 0
}, F.fail = function(a) {
F._fail ? F._fail(a) : G.state = -1
var a = F._completes;
return a.push(function() {
}), F.complete = function() {
for (var c = 0, d = a.length; d > c; ++c) a[c]();
F._completes = []
}, F
}()), C.preVerifyStartTime = l();
else {
for (G.state = 1, a = F._completes, d = 0, e = a.length; e > d; ++d) a[d]();
F._completes = []
}), E.beta && n()
ready: function(a) {
0 != G.state ? a() : (F._completes.push(a), !w && E.debug && a())
error: function(a) {
"6.0.2" > z || B || (B = !0, -1 == G.state ? a(G.data) : F._fail = a)
checkJsApi: function(a) {
var b = function(a) {
var c, d, b = a.checkResult;
for (c in b) d = p[c], d && (b[d] = b[c], delete b[c]);
return a
c("checkJsApi", {
jsApiList: i(a.jsApiList)
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
if (x) {
var c = a.checkResult;
c && (a.checkResult = JSON.parse(c))
a = b(a)
}, a
onMenuShareTimeline: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareTimeline, {
complete: function() {
c("shareTimeline", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.title || r,
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href,
type: a.type || "link",
data_url: a.dataUrl || ""
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareAppMessage: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareAppMessage, {
complete: function() {
c("sendAppMessage", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
link: a.link || location.href,
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
type: a.type || "link",
data_url: a.dataUrl || ""
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareQQ: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareQQ, {
complete: function() {
c("shareQQ", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareWeibo: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareWeibo, {
complete: function() {
c("shareWeiboApp", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href
}, a)
}, a)
onMenuShareQZone: function(a) {
d(o.onMenuShareQZone, {
complete: function() {
c("shareQZone", {
title: a.title || r,
desc: a.desc || "",
img_url: a.imgUrl || "",
link: a.link || location.href
}, a)
}, a)
startRecord: function(a) {
c("startRecord", {}, a)
stopRecord: function(a) {
c("stopRecord", {}, a)
onVoiceRecordEnd: function(a) {
d("onVoiceRecordEnd", a)
playVoice: function(a) {
c("playVoice", {
localId: a.localId
}, a)
pauseVoice: function(a) {
c("pauseVoice", {
localId: a.localId
}, a)
stopVoice: function(a) {
c("stopVoice", {
localId: a.localId
}, a)
onVoicePlayEnd: function(a) {
d("onVoicePlayEnd", a)
uploadVoice: function(a) {
c("uploadVoice", {
localId: a.localId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
downloadVoice: function(a) {
c("downloadVoice", {
serverId: a.serverId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
translateVoice: function(a) {
c("translateVoice", {
localId: a.localId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
chooseImage: function(a) {
c("chooseImage", {
scene: "1|2",
count: a.count || 9,
sizeType: a.sizeType || ["original", "compressed"],
sourceType: a.sourceType || ["album", "camera"]
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
if (x) {
var b = a.localIds;
b && (a.localIds = JSON.parse(b))
}, a
previewImage: function(a) {
c(o.previewImage, {
current: a.current,
urls: a.urls
}, a)
uploadImage: function(a) {
c("uploadImage", {
localId: a.localId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
downloadImage: function(a) {
c("downloadImage", {
serverId: a.serverId,
isShowProgressTips: 0 == a.isShowProgressTips ? 0 : 1
}, a)
getNetworkType: function(a) {
var b = function(a) {
var c, d, e, b = a.errMsg;
if (a.errMsg = "getNetworkType:ok", c = a.subtype, delete a.subtype, c) a.networkType = c;
else switch (d = b.indexOf(":"), e = b.substring(d + 1)) {
case "wifi":
case "edge":
case "wwan":
a.networkType = e;
a.errMsg = "getNetworkType:fail"
return a
c("getNetworkType", {}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
a = b(a)
}, a
openLocation: function(a) {
c("openLocation", {
latitude: a.latitude,
longitude: a.longitude,
name: a.name || "",
address: a.address || "",
scale: a.scale || 28,
infoUrl: a.infoUrl || ""
}, a)
getLocation: function(a) {
a = a || {}, c(o.getLocation, {
type: a.type || "wgs84"
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
delete a.type
}, a
hideOptionMenu: function(a) {
c("hideOptionMenu", {}, a)
showOptionMenu: function(a) {
c("showOptionMenu", {}, a)
closeWindow: function(a) {
a = a || {}, c("closeWindow", {}, a)
hideMenuItems: function(a) {
c("hideMenuItems", {
menuList: a.menuList
}, a)
showMenuItems: function(a) {
c("showMenuItems", {
menuList: a.menuList
}, a)
hideAllNonBaseMenuItem: function(a) {
c("hideAllNonBaseMenuItem", {}, a)
showAllNonBaseMenuItem: function(a) {
c("showAllNonBaseMenuItem", {}, a)
scanQRCode: function(a) {
a = a || {}, c("scanQRCode", {
needResult: a.needResult || 0,
scanType: a.scanType || ["qrCode", "barCode"]
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
var b, c;
y && (b = a.resultStr, b && (c = JSON.parse(b), a.resultStr = c && c.scan_code && c.scan_code.scan_result))
}, a
openProductSpecificView: function(a) {
c(o.openProductSpecificView, {
pid: a.productId,
view_type: a.viewType || 0,
ext_info: a.extInfo
}, a)
addCard: function(a) {
var e, f, g, h, b = a.cardList,
d = [];
for (e = 0, f = b.length; f > e; ++e) g = b[e], h = {
card_id: g.cardId,
card_ext: g.cardExt
}, d.push(h);
c(o.addCard, {
card_list: d
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
var c, d, e, b = a.card_list;
if (b) {
for (b = JSON.parse(b), c = 0, d = b.length; d > c; ++c) e = b[c], e.cardId = e.card_id, e.cardExt = e.card_ext, e.isSuccess = e.is_succ ? !0 : !1, delete e.card_id, delete e.card_ext, delete e.is_succ;
a.cardList = b, delete a.card_list
}, a
chooseCard: function(a) {
c("chooseCard", {
app_id: E.appId,
location_id: a.shopId || "",
sign_type: a.signType || "SHA1",
card_id: a.cardId || "",
card_type: a.cardType || "",
card_sign: a.cardSign,
time_stamp: a.timestamp + "",
nonce_str: a.nonceStr
}, function() {
return a._complete = function(a) {
a.cardList = a.choose_card_info, delete a.choose_card_info
}, a
openCard: function(a) {
var e, f, g, h, b = a.cardList,
d = [];
for (e = 0, f = b.length; f > e; ++e) g = b[e], h = {
card_id: g.cardId,
code: g.code
}, d.push(h);
c(o.openCard, {
card_list: d
}, a)
chooseWXPay: function(a) {
c(o.chooseWXPay, f(a), a)
}, b && (a.wx = a.jWeixin = H), H
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