如何判断传过来的JSON数据中,某个字段是否存在, 1.obj["key"] != undefined 这种有缺陷,如果这个key定义了,并且就是很2的赋值为undefined,那么这句就会出问题了。 2.!("key" in obj) 3.obj.hasOwnProperty("key") 这两种方法就比较好了,推荐使用。 答案原文: Actually, checking for undefined-ness is not an accurate way of testin
1.obj["key"] != undefined
2.!("key" in obj) 3.obj.hasOwnProperty("key")
Actually, checking for undefined-ness is not an accurate way of testing whether a key exists. What if the key exists but the value is actually undefined?
var obj = { key: undefined }; obj["key"] != undefined // false, but the key exists!
You should instead use the in operator:
"key" in obj // true, regardless of the actual value
If you want to check if a key doesn't exist, remember to use parenthesis:
!("key" in obj) // true if "key" doesn't exist in object !"key" in obj // ERROR! Equivalent to "false in obj"
Or, if you want to particularly test for properties of the object instance (and not inherited properties), usehasOwnProperty:
obj.hasOwnProperty("key") // true
有用 | 无用
1.obj["key"] != undefined
2.!("key" in obj) 3.obj.hasOwnProperty("key")
Actually, checking for undefined-ness is not an accurate way of testing whether a key exists. What if the key exists but the value is actually undefined?
var obj = { key: undefined }; obj["key"] != undefined // false, but the key exists!
You should instead use the in operator:
"key" in obj // true, regardless of the actual value
If you want to check if a key doesn't exist, remember to use parenthesis:
!("key" in obj) // true if "key" doesn't exist in object !"key" in obj // ERROR! Equivalent to "false in obj"
Or, if you want to particularly test for properties of the object instance (and not inherited properties), usehasOwnProperty:
obj.hasOwnProperty("key") // true
有用 | 无用
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